This mini-mouth, combined with the flu and sore throat, gives me a feeling of numbness, as if I lived in a fog dense.
My eyes are bright enough and avoid prolonged contact with a bright light.
Strangely, all this makes me feel that my feelings were exacerbated, either through touch, hearing ...
Strangely, all this makes me feel that my feelings were exacerbated, either through touch, hearing ...
I'm cold. I'm hot.
I feel all my bones.
eyes vague, wandering among the stacks of the BU, I chew my gum mint absently.
I wanted to have a cat, there, on my legs.
So much for the allergy, the feeling of a little creature purring and affectionate lap remonstrated the morale of anyone.
I would have taken to the amphitheater and we would have stayed both.
J'aurais bien aimé avoir quelqu'un à serrer dans mes bras, là, tout de suite.
Mes yeux se ferment volontiers de leur propre chef. Je pense que mon classeur fera un excellent oreiller tout à l'heure, histoire de me regen quelques minutes.
Des murmures se font entendre dans les alentours, quelques groupes de travail, quelques bavards ou bavardes.
Mes mains se reposent sur le clavier Dell noir et je peux ressentir les faibles vibrations de l'ordinateur de même marque, juste à gauche.
- 1 / 4, so I'll disconnect, erase my tracks three times to be really safe, and from a perky air conditioning to the auditorium over ahead.
Goodbye reader is good and you spend a good day.
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